My photo
I'm Lilian, Call me Lili. I'm just a teenage girl trying to lose weight and change the way I see myself. This blog is mainly like a diary. I will post to express myself and let things out, and maybe help other girls in the process, and gain help from others. <3

My Thinspo

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Challenge, with a pot of Gold in the end

I just thought of something, I don't know why I did before.
Maybe I did, I don't know.
Well I was browing through some blogs and the idea just came to me.
Another way to motivate myself to lose weight:
In the end when I reach my goal, or lose a good significant amount of weight, depending on how happy I am with my body, I will save all my money till that time and then buy new clothes.
So I can't buy any new clothes for myself until then, and I will put clothes that I don't want right now/ my old clothes and sell them for money to buy new clothes.
Something like that.
I've been locked up at home all day, looking at videos and pictures and stuff, I need to get off my ass.

If she can do it. So can we.

thinspo Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Links, Links, Links.

Im going to start adding some links of sites that i find helpful, articles I come across and anything else that relates to weight loss etc. ( the life savers video in this page is soooo funny and cute, hahaha )

Thinspiration video

185, Please no.

Last night I had a nightmare, that I weighed 185.
I haven't weighed myself in a while, and recently i haven't been taking care of myself.
I hope thats not what i really weigh.
Yesterday my mom took me to get my hair done. It was really nice of her.
It made me feel good to get something done to my hair. I layered it and dyed it blonde.
It look pretty nice. I had been feeling down about stuff, including my weight of course, and spending time with my mom like that cheered me up.
My dad is coming down to visit us in 2 days. I'm really excited to see him. I haven't seen him in over two months since he moved up to Ohio.
My mom bought me these weight loss pills. They are supposed to help my metabolism and I just have to drink a lot of water. Her friends daughter lost 60 pounds with them. So I thought they were worth trying, i really hope it works. Since were on break now I thought it be great to start exercising again. I finally have time to do that.
My sister is also coming down for Christmas with her husband. Shes pregnant, and my mom got really excited and did a lot of shopping. Oh boy.
I haven't been on here for a while, but I'll be back on everyday, posting stuff, and sharing/ searching for motivation.
Hope your all doing well.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pretty ugly

I feel so ugly.
I hate trying to look my best.
Thinking that I look good in my favorite outfit, that I maybe look a bit thinner.
It's all bullshit.
My mind lies to me.
I've been seeing pictures and videos of myself lately and I hate what I see.
My parents tell me I'm pretty, and that if I lost weight I'd be prettier.
I hate my friends sometimes because they tell me I'm not fat at all.
Fucking hate them for that, because they're either blind of lieing to me, and since it's obvious that they can see just fine, it means that they are lieing. Just fucking tell me the truth.
I don't think I'm pretty at all. Sure people tell me I have pretty eyes, and I believe that.
I just wish my eyes were all everyone saw.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This time Baby


Hey, so lately not much has happened. I'm still at around 170. I just can't seem to get myself to go out and excercise after school like I used to. So much school work. I need to get back into being motivated, I think thats it. I lost my motivation.

Anyways, I'm also trying to eat better. I saw a video, which I can't find anymore) where this girl was explaining her diet plan. Basicaly she started out replacing all drinks with water. So, im thinking, okay let me do that for two weeks. Just drinking water instead of soda and juice. Except maybe orange juice in the morning. Then she continues that but after those two weeks she starts to not eat starchy foods. So after two weeks I will keep just drinking water and then try not to eat any bread, especially, and only eat special K cereal. I think I will also make my own plan, for after another two weeks I'll take away foods that are unhealthy, depeding on what my mom cooks and what not.
But I really need to go out and excercise, I really feel like Im wasting each day when I don't go out and ride my bike or walk. When I do go out, I feel so complete. I love that feeling.

Thursday, September 16, 2010




Before and After


(This isn't me) But that's pretty much where I am, at 170, and I want to go down to 125.
ugh, don't we all wish we were there already.
Maybe if I repeat to myself like I always do, "There's a reason for everything", I won't feel so bad.
But what's the reason? Maybe God is on my dad's side and I can't lose weight during high school or else all the boys will come prowling at our door. This is actually something my parents have said, not in those exact words, but something along those lines. Haha.

By the way, I used to own that shirt she has on the left. Just saying.

Once again.


Kay, so school started and I never managed to lose all the weight I wanted to. I'm pretty much the same. I felt the same, and thought I looked the same. Sure I was a bit thinner, enough that my double chin didn't stand out so much, but no big change. I think I had my hopes up to high, even if had exercised everyday, I don't think I would have lost all of my weight. The lowest I went was 164. Unfortunately, a few weeks before school started I found myself not exercising anymore and not watching what I ate. Thus I am back up to 170. Ugh. It's okay though, not going to beat myself up for it. I'm going to start exercising and eating well again, I am very motivated right now, so it'll all be fine.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time to get serious


Hey guys! I just got back yesterday from my trip, it's been a while but Im back and during my trip I lost some weight! 6 pounds to be exact and although it's not much I'm seeing a difference and people around me are too. This makes my current weight 167, so excited, now Im working hard to bring that down, my goal for now is 160, hopefully I can reach that before school starts, I've got so much energy and confidence. I hope you're all doing great and having a wonderful summer which will soon come to an end. Oh boy! Love you all.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I can see the orange haze on the horizon as the morning exhales a yawn, and seems to be ready to rise

I am so happy right now.
This morning I was finally able to get myself out of bed and go out walking.
I stayed up until 4 am, watching a movie. afterwards I prayed for a while, read my Bible. Then I finally layed down and slept, haha for like 30 minutes. Then I saw a glow through my window and decided that it was the perfect time to go walking, not to early and dark, scary, unsafe? and not to late and bright :) .
So I went and had a wonderful time, I walked a little and jogged a little. I don't really know for how long, but I know that it was at least for half an hour. THEN! I stumbled upon some mango trees, and I grabbed some mangoes that were hanging out from the property, haha! I love mangoes.
Then I walked back home and was relieved to find my home and family safe since I walked out through a side door and left it unlocked, I was a little iffy because of robbers and stuff, But it was all good.
This was definitely a great start and motivation to keep doing this.
It was definitely worth it, and I felt the burn! Heck yeah! haha


Monday, June 14, 2010

Well I do love lemons

So earlier I got back from riding my bike and I decided to search on how to burn arm fat, and I came upon a site and read some helpful and interesting things, well about losing weight in general not just on your arms.

This is what it said
"1. One great underestimated workout for the arms is push-ups. You don't have to do a 100 push-ups a day. But Start of by 10 and then work you way up. Make sure to go slow. After a Week or 2 you should see improvements.

2. When you wake up in the morning drink 2 glasses of water with lemon in it. Water speeds up the metabolism and lemon makes you not so hungry. The stomach shrinks a bit when you eat lemon.

3. Go out and walk in a medium to fast pace. When you walk before breakfast you burn the most fat. Walk for about 25 - 45 minutes.

4. Eat a good breakfast. The optimal is Oatmeal porridge with fiber. This is great when you burn fat because carbs helps speed up the metabolism. If you eat a good breakfast you burn more fat.

5. Drink a protein shake. This is excellent, protein help burn fat.

6. Eat More vegetables. People don't know this but vegetables contains much minerals and vitamins that is needed when you burn fat. Broccoli is excellent.

7. Avoid white carbs. Once or twice is okay but this can ruin your diet.
You may notice that there was only one tip for your arms. But honestly, you will lose much fat from your arms if you follow these tips. The push-ups is more than enough."

Hm I do know that eating or drinking grapefruit helps you as well, and my mom and grandma have told me that drinking water with lemon does help to lose weight as well. But I don't know whether I believe what it said about eating lemons making your stomach shrink, I searched that but didn't quite find a real and clear response. If you know anything about this, specifically on it shrinking your stomach, please inform me or send me a link, thank you :)

Anyways, I really liked those 7 tips and will try to follow them.
I really need to eat better, I'm still not eating the absolute best I can, like today I ate some cocoa puffs with soymilk, even though I had specialK, then I ate some noodlecups, later on I ate a quesadilla which afterwards I really regretted because firstly I felt grossly full, and it didn't even taste that great. I've realized that I eat when I don't even need to or I'm not even hungry, but because of boredom. OH MY GOD NO. But no stress, I'll do better, I'm going to get on my calorie count account and stick to that, I haven't been on there since I first made it. Haha.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jean Seberg

Jean Seberg 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

She is my new thinspiration. Well not like I exactly had one specific person before, but she is now. I love everything about her look and style. I've always wanted to cut my hair really short, but since I've never been very thin I'd never do it. I've decided that when I reach my goal weight I will cut my hair. Therefore I will be working very hard to do this. It has really motivated me actually, and my parents approve of the cut. Yay! I absolutely cannot go back to school next year being the same person and looking the same, I need to lose this weight and show the confidence that I really have.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Music is an exercise buddy.

04 ipod Pictures, Images and Photos
"-according to scientific principles, music can enhance physical endurance by 15% and help the exercisers to derive much more pleasure from the task.

One significant new finding is that music can help exercisers to feel more positive even when they are working out at a very high intensity and are close to physical exhaustion.

The researchers believe that the effects of music on mood opens up the possibility that it can be used to improve compliance with exercise programme, therefore helping people achieve their long-term health and fitness goals."

What kind of music do you listen to when you exercise? Comment and leave your top picks! ;D


Nightmares can turn into reality


All I can remember about a dream I had last night was that i was back to weighing 180. Crazy. Scary? Ugh maybe it's a warning, because I've been eating things I shouldn't, and alot of it. Oh boy, I'm pretty sure I've gained back a few pounds.
Later on tonight I will definitely go out and walk, I just hope it doesn't rain.


Changing your state of mind

girl in the mirror Pictures, Images and Photos

You are what you see yourself to be.
I used to get so down about my weight so much, it was overwhelming.
I look back now to the year before and the one before that and I see that I may not have changed so much physically, but I have changed mentally.
I haven't cried or been depressed this year at all because of my weight, and I think thats a big acomplishment for me and anyone else who is able to reach this point in their life where they accept themselves and stop putting themselves down. I think that this is an important part of any persons weight loss process. Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself how fat you are and crying, you should take a deep breath, smile and motivate yourself to excercise, because you won't lose weight by crying and putting yourself down will just make it harder.
I understand very well that it's not easy to do this, but if your just a little willing to try it, whenever you pass by a mirror, don't look at something negative, make a silly face or pose and tell yourself that you will lose weight and be more beautiful than you already are. This may sound cheesy (and i used to somewhat think the same) but just TRY IT!


Saturday, May 29, 2010


So a few days ago I went to the doctor's for a check up, and they measured me and weighed me, you know, all that good stuff. I was told I weigh 169 and I'm like "Hell yeah man!" So happy since I had been working out more the past week. I was all the more encouraged when the doctor checked my pulse and he said that he could tell I had been doing some excercise and that it was very good and I should definitely continue.
That made my day, and a few people have complimented me so I've been so happy about that. I need to lose at least 10 more pounds for now, before this big event I have coming up this summer.
Lets just hope I can resist the delicious 3musketeers and milkyway bars sitting in my pantry.


Saturday, May 1, 2010



This morning I was supposed to start a fast.
But then I had two tortillas with cheese and turkey...after having a bowl of cereal
hough I haven't weighed myself, I know that i've gone back up to 178. Maybe even gone a bit past that. sheesh.
This doesn't bring me down though.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010



I've been so busy lately, filled with work, testing and such things that i've had no time to even check my blog or excercise. -tear-
I'm afraid that I may have gained back a few pounds, after going down to 171.
I tried during my spring break to get up at 6 am to go for a jog...but I never imagined it'd be so hard. The first day I woke up and said, ok it's raining so I can't go out, but the following days, I kept waking up and going back to sleep. Ugh, fail. It's even harder to wake up at 5 am to go jog befor school, I just can't. I decided that I'm going to try waking up at 6 am just on the weekends and as soon as I'm done with all this busyness and important work, I'll get back to walking after I get home from school. I really wanted to have lost at least 20 pounds for this even coming up...but that didn't happen. It's all good though, I'm not going to hate much as I feel like it. I'm going to try doing some excercises in my room every night before going to bed. It'll at least clear my concious, haha.

I appreciate everyone whos following my blog and commenting, thank you guys for your support. I love you all.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

To sum it up.

I was really hoping to get some comments and advice on my last post, but nothing yet.

Maybe it was just so long that it made you not want to read it.
I understand, sometimes I do this too.

Well, basically my question was if you think it would be a good idea to go out and excercise int he morning before school? and how I can motivate myself to wake up at that time.

Thursday, March 11, 2010



Well, again I haven't posted in a while, I've just had so much to do. Blah.
I haven't had time to excerxise either and this scares me because I feel that I may have gained back atleast some of the weight that I lost, even if it wasn't much. My mom even said so. -tear- haha kidding, well I won't let that bring me down.

So there's something I've thought about before but never enough to really decide to do it. I'd just really like to try excercising before school. Just going for a walk/jog. Though I'm supposed to wake up around 6:00 am for school and catch my bus at 6:40...But i really wasn't to try. I searched this up and found that it's a good thing to do because It'll give you more energy throughout the day, and you'll be burning of fat instead of carbs that you ate during the day. But I don't know what time i should wake up for it...I really want to do this right now too, I haven't gone to bed yet thinking about this, and I had to post. Maybe if I wake up around 5:00 am walk/jog until 5:30-ish ...then I'd have to shower, Ugh but I'd have to wash my hair, and I don't want to go to school with wet hair because when it dries it's all floofy and wierd.

But I don't know, I think it would be worth It, if it's going to make me feel energetic during the day I'd rather that. Lately I've been feeling somewhat crappier in school, because I just put whatever on, and though I look decent, and everytime I walk to my next class I just think to myself, I don't care what anyone sees me as right now, physically I mean, This is how I am for now, I can't change from one day to another, so right now I don't care, I just want to get through the day and Next year will be different, because I'm trying, even if sometimes I can't try hard enough, I'm not going to let this year and this summer pass by again with me being the same and not reaching my weight loss goal.

I've had alot in mind lately, I have so much to say, for the first time I've felt really confused with myself and what I'm doing with my life. I kinda laughed because It's something you usually hear in some teen movie or novel right? hah.

I'm just trying to get things organized, in my head, in school,spiritualy. But the problem is I don't even know where to start. I wish I could just let go, leave it all to the will of God, whom I believe in strongly. But that I don't even know how to do.

Great, I completely forgot It was raining...Well I'm going to set up my alarm for 4:55 anyways, if it's still raining by then I guess I won't go...of course.
And If I do, please pray I don't get Jumped or anything bad along those lines.

I hope you'll understand everything I've said, even if it doesn't quite make sense, right now I could care less, I;m just saying it all as I think.


Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm so happy


It's been a while since I last checked my blog, or posted, and pardon me for that. I've been very busy and somewhat stressed with school work. Which also makes me sad to say that I've had no time to go out and excercise for about 2 weeks I think? Ugh.

Anyways, yesterday I went to publix with my parents, aaand I decided to get on the scale, mostly because at that moment there was no one around but an old man, haha.

I was so happy to see that my weight has gone down to 173, from 179/180.

It really made me feel great, especially after I was feeling so shitty and upset with myself the day before.

Now I have set my next goal to weighing 165.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I just got back from walking, and I feel great. I almost didn't go because I still have homework to do, but it was worth it. I guess I shall be staying up late tonight. Bah.

Man I need a weighing scale. I need to know what my weight is. Arg.
I hate weighing myself on the publix scales, my mom always tells me to get on but I just walk right out. I hate doing that with people passing by, it's not even that much that they'lle see how much I weigh, it's just people seeing me on it, I feel like your kind of putting yourself on a spotlight?


I already told my mom, she said she told my dad to get one...I'm waiting.

As soon as I weigh myself. I shall post that up, and my goal weights and other things. Maybe body shots? and I also decided that when I do reach my final goal weight, that I will post up a full picture of me, and reveal my identity! :D, but for now...I am just a mystery. :]

I wish I could drink coffee tonight, man I'm going to need it.


Nothing tastes as good as thin feels


I find these quotes to be very motivating.

I'm going change and go out and jog for a bit.


(heres the link to the actual picture if you'd like to see it bigger)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A terrible day In my Favorite store.

I remember walking into Forever21 with my mom, and picking out all these dresses I liked, because I needed a dress for some special occasion. All dresses I picked were a size large, ofcourse. They were all so gorgeous.

But when I walked into the fitting room, and started trying them on, only to see that none of them would fit, that I just couldn't get that last step done, zipping it up, I cried. I was so angry. I even had my mom help me, but the darn zipper just wouldn't go up.
I was so aggravated and broken at that moment, that I grabbed a dress and pulled at it, until the cloth beneath the zipper ripped.I didn't even feel bad, I didn't care that I just ripped the dress. I kept saying, how is it that none of these large size dresses fit me, why can't they make these dresses in extra large as well. I know they have a extra large size section in there, which if I may add, at my mall, that section is tiny, and I can't find the same dresses in there. I thought that they were just so inconsiderate.

I just walked out of there, my mom trailing behind, she kept calling to me, but I kept walking because I was so angry, and I was about to cry, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hold the tears back for long. I didn't want people passing by me and seeing that I was crying.

That was such a terrible moment.


Find the motivation within yourself.

P.s Scroll down towards the bottom, and on the right you will find my music player, pause it if you need to.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I started February first. The reason not being to lose weight, it's actually something not related to my weight at all. I guess I could say It's for a more spiritual reason. But I know it's helping too.
I've been doing pretty well, just eating fruits and veggies and other things, and of course lots of water. Though I say fruits and veggies, and perhaps broccoli and apples come to your mind, there's a great variety of things I can eat. I'm eating organic ezekiel bread with organic peanut butter and jelly. Fiber one cereal with soy milk and mmm added bananas and strawberries.

Today I made a flat bread veggie taco, and it was so darn good.
I boiled up some broccoli, cut up tomatoes, used some beans that were part of a chili I made for my little sibling, and put it all together on the flat bread and poured on a little bit of sauce from the chili, it filled me up, but not the way when you eat a plate of pasta, or some big meal with meat in it. It was a good feeling, I was full, but I didn't feel fat. yay!

So far I've decided to continue this fast until the end of march just for the purpose that I'm doing it for. But It sure is helping to change the way I eat, and what I eat, and perhaps it'll stick with me.


anorexic girl Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't want to be this. How can anyone want to look like this? This isn't beautiful, this is ghastly,deadly,disgusting. This is going too far.

I just want to be at a weight that I feel pleased with myself. Do these girls think they look beautiful? Are they honestly pleased with themselves? It makes me sad to see girls like this.

I want to feel good about myself, confident, healthy, not afraid to move, or do things because of how I look. To wear anything I want and not be self-concious. I still want meat on my bones, I don't think you have to be extremely thin to look cute, or gorgeous.

The start.

Like many others out there, I have a goal,to reach a desired weight. I am overweight.
My goal right now is to lose 54 pounds.
I'm not sure what my weight is right now, but if I remember correctly, the last time I weighed myself, being about a month ago, I was at around 179 pounds, and by the way my height is 5ft 3 in. I've been eating healthier lately and doing some excercise atleast 3 times a week, when I can. This past week I did not excercise because I had so much homework and other things to do. That is another thing that I intend to change. I want to be able to balance my schoolwork and other things, with my fitness time.
I'm mostly doing this to become healthier, although self-esteem certainly plays a part, I'm mostly thinking of my future. I don't want to be an unhealthy person my whole life, and I want to take advantage of my time right now as a highschooler to change my eating and excercise habits, I've been told that weight loss gets harder as an adult, and although I wish I'd had been more motivated before to do this, I guess it's never too late.
My parents encourage me alot, and my mom cooks pretty healthy meals.
But beside their encouragement, I'm looking to be encouraged by others, and be part of all those girls out there that are on this journey to meet their desired weight. I'm not just here to talk about losing weight, but to also help and encourage other girls like me, to not focus so much on what the world sees as beautiful, but to discover that no matter how they look, they are beautiful as well. I don't think weight loss is just about changing the way you look on the outside, but also about changing the way you think and feel about yourself.
I'd love to hear to about you, and share thoughts, tips, and anything else that would help me and you reach our goals, I'd love to get to know others as well in this process.
You can call me Lili.
This is the start.