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I'm Lilian, Call me Lili. I'm just a teenage girl trying to lose weight and change the way I see myself. This blog is mainly like a diary. I will post to express myself and let things out, and maybe help other girls in the process, and gain help from others. <3

My Thinspo

Thursday, September 16, 2010




Before and After


(This isn't me) But that's pretty much where I am, at 170, and I want to go down to 125.
ugh, don't we all wish we were there already.
Maybe if I repeat to myself like I always do, "There's a reason for everything", I won't feel so bad.
But what's the reason? Maybe God is on my dad's side and I can't lose weight during high school or else all the boys will come prowling at our door. This is actually something my parents have said, not in those exact words, but something along those lines. Haha.

By the way, I used to own that shirt she has on the left. Just saying.

Once again.


Kay, so school started and I never managed to lose all the weight I wanted to. I'm pretty much the same. I felt the same, and thought I looked the same. Sure I was a bit thinner, enough that my double chin didn't stand out so much, but no big change. I think I had my hopes up to high, even if had exercised everyday, I don't think I would have lost all of my weight. The lowest I went was 164. Unfortunately, a few weeks before school started I found myself not exercising anymore and not watching what I ate. Thus I am back up to 170. Ugh. It's okay though, not going to beat myself up for it. I'm going to start exercising and eating well again, I am very motivated right now, so it'll all be fine.