My photo
I'm Lilian, Call me Lili. I'm just a teenage girl trying to lose weight and change the way I see myself. This blog is mainly like a diary. I will post to express myself and let things out, and maybe help other girls in the process, and gain help from others. <3

My Thinspo

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I can see the orange haze on the horizon as the morning exhales a yawn, and seems to be ready to rise

I am so happy right now.
This morning I was finally able to get myself out of bed and go out walking.
I stayed up until 4 am, watching a movie. afterwards I prayed for a while, read my Bible. Then I finally layed down and slept, haha for like 30 minutes. Then I saw a glow through my window and decided that it was the perfect time to go walking, not to early and dark, scary, unsafe? and not to late and bright :) .
So I went and had a wonderful time, I walked a little and jogged a little. I don't really know for how long, but I know that it was at least for half an hour. THEN! I stumbled upon some mango trees, and I grabbed some mangoes that were hanging out from the property, haha! I love mangoes.
Then I walked back home and was relieved to find my home and family safe since I walked out through a side door and left it unlocked, I was a little iffy because of robbers and stuff, But it was all good.
This was definitely a great start and motivation to keep doing this.
It was definitely worth it, and I felt the burn! Heck yeah! haha


Monday, June 14, 2010

Well I do love lemons

So earlier I got back from riding my bike and I decided to search on how to burn arm fat, and I came upon a site and read some helpful and interesting things, well about losing weight in general not just on your arms.

This is what it said
"1. One great underestimated workout for the arms is push-ups. You don't have to do a 100 push-ups a day. But Start of by 10 and then work you way up. Make sure to go slow. After a Week or 2 you should see improvements.

2. When you wake up in the morning drink 2 glasses of water with lemon in it. Water speeds up the metabolism and lemon makes you not so hungry. The stomach shrinks a bit when you eat lemon.

3. Go out and walk in a medium to fast pace. When you walk before breakfast you burn the most fat. Walk for about 25 - 45 minutes.

4. Eat a good breakfast. The optimal is Oatmeal porridge with fiber. This is great when you burn fat because carbs helps speed up the metabolism. If you eat a good breakfast you burn more fat.

5. Drink a protein shake. This is excellent, protein help burn fat.

6. Eat More vegetables. People don't know this but vegetables contains much minerals and vitamins that is needed when you burn fat. Broccoli is excellent.

7. Avoid white carbs. Once or twice is okay but this can ruin your diet.
You may notice that there was only one tip for your arms. But honestly, you will lose much fat from your arms if you follow these tips. The push-ups is more than enough."

Hm I do know that eating or drinking grapefruit helps you as well, and my mom and grandma have told me that drinking water with lemon does help to lose weight as well. But I don't know whether I believe what it said about eating lemons making your stomach shrink, I searched that but didn't quite find a real and clear response. If you know anything about this, specifically on it shrinking your stomach, please inform me or send me a link, thank you :)

Anyways, I really liked those 7 tips and will try to follow them.
I really need to eat better, I'm still not eating the absolute best I can, like today I ate some cocoa puffs with soymilk, even though I had specialK, then I ate some noodlecups, later on I ate a quesadilla which afterwards I really regretted because firstly I felt grossly full, and it didn't even taste that great. I've realized that I eat when I don't even need to or I'm not even hungry, but because of boredom. OH MY GOD NO. But no stress, I'll do better, I'm going to get on my calorie count account and stick to that, I haven't been on there since I first made it. Haha.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jean Seberg

Jean Seberg 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

She is my new thinspiration. Well not like I exactly had one specific person before, but she is now. I love everything about her look and style. I've always wanted to cut my hair really short, but since I've never been very thin I'd never do it. I've decided that when I reach my goal weight I will cut my hair. Therefore I will be working very hard to do this. It has really motivated me actually, and my parents approve of the cut. Yay! I absolutely cannot go back to school next year being the same person and looking the same, I need to lose this weight and show the confidence that I really have.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Music is an exercise buddy.

04 ipod Pictures, Images and Photos
"-according to scientific principles, music can enhance physical endurance by 15% and help the exercisers to derive much more pleasure from the task.

One significant new finding is that music can help exercisers to feel more positive even when they are working out at a very high intensity and are close to physical exhaustion.

The researchers believe that the effects of music on mood opens up the possibility that it can be used to improve compliance with exercise programme, therefore helping people achieve their long-term health and fitness goals."

What kind of music do you listen to when you exercise? Comment and leave your top picks! ;D


Nightmares can turn into reality


All I can remember about a dream I had last night was that i was back to weighing 180. Crazy. Scary? Ugh maybe it's a warning, because I've been eating things I shouldn't, and alot of it. Oh boy, I'm pretty sure I've gained back a few pounds.
Later on tonight I will definitely go out and walk, I just hope it doesn't rain.


Changing your state of mind

girl in the mirror Pictures, Images and Photos

You are what you see yourself to be.
I used to get so down about my weight so much, it was overwhelming.
I look back now to the year before and the one before that and I see that I may not have changed so much physically, but I have changed mentally.
I haven't cried or been depressed this year at all because of my weight, and I think thats a big acomplishment for me and anyone else who is able to reach this point in their life where they accept themselves and stop putting themselves down. I think that this is an important part of any persons weight loss process. Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself how fat you are and crying, you should take a deep breath, smile and motivate yourself to excercise, because you won't lose weight by crying and putting yourself down will just make it harder.
I understand very well that it's not easy to do this, but if your just a little willing to try it, whenever you pass by a mirror, don't look at something negative, make a silly face or pose and tell yourself that you will lose weight and be more beautiful than you already are. This may sound cheesy (and i used to somewhat think the same) but just TRY IT!
