My photo
I'm Lilian, Call me Lili. I'm just a teenage girl trying to lose weight and change the way I see myself. This blog is mainly like a diary. I will post to express myself and let things out, and maybe help other girls in the process, and gain help from others. <3

My Thinspo

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Challenge, with a pot of Gold in the end

I just thought of something, I don't know why I did before.
Maybe I did, I don't know.
Well I was browing through some blogs and the idea just came to me.
Another way to motivate myself to lose weight:
In the end when I reach my goal, or lose a good significant amount of weight, depending on how happy I am with my body, I will save all my money till that time and then buy new clothes.
So I can't buy any new clothes for myself until then, and I will put clothes that I don't want right now/ my old clothes and sell them for money to buy new clothes.
Something like that.
I've been locked up at home all day, looking at videos and pictures and stuff, I need to get off my ass.

If she can do it. So can we.

thinspo Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Links, Links, Links.

Im going to start adding some links of sites that i find helpful, articles I come across and anything else that relates to weight loss etc. ( the life savers video in this page is soooo funny and cute, hahaha )

Thinspiration video

185, Please no.

Last night I had a nightmare, that I weighed 185.
I haven't weighed myself in a while, and recently i haven't been taking care of myself.
I hope thats not what i really weigh.
Yesterday my mom took me to get my hair done. It was really nice of her.
It made me feel good to get something done to my hair. I layered it and dyed it blonde.
It look pretty nice. I had been feeling down about stuff, including my weight of course, and spending time with my mom like that cheered me up.
My dad is coming down to visit us in 2 days. I'm really excited to see him. I haven't seen him in over two months since he moved up to Ohio.
My mom bought me these weight loss pills. They are supposed to help my metabolism and I just have to drink a lot of water. Her friends daughter lost 60 pounds with them. So I thought they were worth trying, i really hope it works. Since were on break now I thought it be great to start exercising again. I finally have time to do that.
My sister is also coming down for Christmas with her husband. Shes pregnant, and my mom got really excited and did a lot of shopping. Oh boy.
I haven't been on here for a while, but I'll be back on everyday, posting stuff, and sharing/ searching for motivation.
Hope your all doing well.