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I'm Lilian, Call me Lili. I'm just a teenage girl trying to lose weight and change the way I see myself. This blog is mainly like a diary. I will post to express myself and let things out, and maybe help other girls in the process, and gain help from others. <3

My Thinspo

Saturday, February 13, 2010


anorexic girl Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't want to be this. How can anyone want to look like this? This isn't beautiful, this is ghastly,deadly,disgusting. This is going too far.

I just want to be at a weight that I feel pleased with myself. Do these girls think they look beautiful? Are they honestly pleased with themselves? It makes me sad to see girls like this.

I want to feel good about myself, confident, healthy, not afraid to move, or do things because of how I look. To wear anything I want and not be self-concious. I still want meat on my bones, I don't think you have to be extremely thin to look cute, or gorgeous.

1 comment:

  1. love this it's very truthful to thoughs who understand this keep going
